Health and Safety Plan
Health and Safety Plan Summary
- Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation
- Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
- Other Considerations for Students and Staff
- Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement
Facilities Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting and Ventilation
- Cleaning, sanitizing, disinfecting, and ventilating learning spaces, surfaces, and any other areas used by students (i.e., restrooms, drinking fountains, hallways, and transportation)
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
All touchpoints within the school building will be disinfected nightly with a disinfectant included on the list of CDC recommended chemicals to battle Covid-19. During the day, disinfectant and paper towels will be available in every office classroom, athletic area and common space to sanitize furniture and equipment between uses. The mechanical system will operate 24/7 through the school week per ASHRAE recommendations. Air filters have been upgraded, where applicable, to MERV filters. The frequency of filter changes through the maintenance team has been increased to bi-monthly in common areas and monthly within classrooms.
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
- Classroom/learning space occupancy that allows for 6 feet of separation among students and staff throughout the day, to the maximum extent feasible
- Restricting the use of cafeterias and other congregate settings, and serving meals in alternate settings such as classrooms
- Hygiene practices for students and staff including the manner and frequency of hand-washing and other best practices
- Posting signs, in highly visible locations, that promote everyday protective measures, and how to stop the spread of germs
- Handling sporting activities consistent with the CDC Considerations for Youth Sports for recess and physical education classes
- Limiting the sharing of materials among students
- Staggering the use of communal spaces and hallways
- Adjusting transportation schedules and practices to create social distance between students
- Limiting the number of individuals in classrooms and other learning spaces, and interactions between groups of students
- Coordinating with local childcare regarding on site care, transportation protocol changes and, when possible, revised hours of operation or modified school-year calendars
- Other social distancing and safety practices
- Monitoring students and staff for symptoms and history of exposure
Isolating or quarantining students, staff, or visitors if they become sick or demonstrate a history of exposure
Returning isolated or quarantined staff, students, or visitors to school
Notifying staff, families, and the public of school closures and within-school- year changes in safety protocols
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
- Classrooms have been arranged to allow for 6 ft of distancing where feasible. All desks are arranged facing the same direction. Teacher desks are a minimum of 6 ft from student desks.
- Six feet of distance has been established in the cafeteria (Student Center), the Library, and other congregate areas by removing tables and chairs. Shields have been added to tables where face-to-face seating is unavoidable. For 2020-2021 there is a 50% increase in scheduled lunch periods to limit the number of students in the cafeteria to under the maximum distanced capacity. The auditorium will be set-up as an alternative lunchroom; as well the removal of restriction on eating in classrooms so students can eat in class. The library has also been rearranged to maintain 6 ft of distance with plastic shields installed on all tables where face-to-face seating is unavoidable.
- Student will be instructed to wash hands frequently, but specifically prior to, and after, eating. Staff will be instructed to wash or sanitize hands regularly.
- Signs are being acquired to post in visible locations to cover safety protocols and other steps to minimize the spread of germs, symptoms to look for in self-monitoring for signs of infections, as well as what to do if symptoms are discovered
- Scheduled visitors should be limited to after 3 pm if essential and feasible. All non-essential visitors are prohibited from entering the building. All essential visitors are required to sign-in at main office, wear a mask, and are instructed to sanitize or wash hands.
- Signs regarding health and safety will be posted throughout athletic facilities. As part of their orientation, students will be instructed proper health and safety precautions including but not limited to: Hand Washing, Social Distancing, Proper Face Mask usage, Care and disinfection of personal equipment daily. High-fives, fist bumps and hand shaking are prohibited. Student-Athletes must have their own water bottles. These items cannot be shared. Student-athletes must refrain from sharing clothing, towels, pinnies etc. and these items should be washed after each use. Adequate cleaning schedules will be created and implemented for all athletic facilities to mitigate any communicable disease. Athletic equipment that may be used by multiple individuals will be cleaned intermittently as deemed necessary. All sharing of material is prohibited. Loaning of calculators, ties, belts, shoes, and suit coats is no longer permitted.
- Daily schedule has been modified to fewer periods per day (with longer time blocks) to limit the number of interactions per day, both in class and in high traffic hallways.
Request information regarding any history of COVID-19 or exposure to anyone infected; and require all students to have their temperature taken and symptoms checked before they leave for school and request anyone with a fever be kept home.
Quarantine Room has been set up in the new Infirmary. Those able to drive will be sent home after proper parental notification and permission is received.
Student or staff must have medical clearance from their physician or appropriate health-care professional (as deemed appropriate by the School) determined to be non-contagious, fever free (without fever-reducing medicine), improvement in respiratory symptoms (cough, shortness of breath), no vomiting or diarrhea.
An email blast and Blackboard Connect phone calls and texts will be sent out by the Administration of the school informing the entire school community of school closures and within-school-year changes in safety protocols. In addition, information will be added to the school website when appropriate.
If a positive case of COVID-19 is diagnosed Contact Tracing will be implemented with the assistance of local health professionals and the CDC/PA DOH
All in season student-athletes will be required to fill out a daily symptoms checklist as well as having their temperature monitored pre-participation.
Other Considerations for Students and Staff
- Protecting students and staff at higher risk for severe illness
- Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by all staff
- Use of face coverings (masks or face shields) by older students (as appropriate)
- Unique safety protocols for students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals
- Strategic deployment of staff
Strategies, Policies and Procedures
- Students and staff at higher risk to severe illness need to be reported to Administrative Office (Dean of Students for students; Principal’s Office for all teaching and academic support staff; Area supervisors for all other staff). Protective portable structures (plexiglass shields) available for classroom/office use; extra cleaning will be provided. For students, remote learning option available and isolated spaces available
- Use of face coverings is required of all employees in public and common spaces, and in transit throughout school, with adaptations for teachers and other personnel in oral communications. Use of mask by sole occupants of school offices/office locations is flexible. Reserve supply kept on hand.
Use of face coverings is required of all students in public and common spaces, and in transit throughout school, with adaptations for eating at table in Student Center. Reserve supply on hand.
Students with complex needs or other vulnerable individuals need to be reported to Nursing staff. Accommodations on- or off-site developed in consultation with medical professionals and designated school medical/safety personnel.
Should there be a high number of staff illnesses, the School will ensure that all classrooms are staffed by using all available personnel per contract. La Salle will continue to use all available resources to ensure that all students have access to quality learning opportunities. Guidance and mental health staff will partner with our administrative team as well as the classroom teachers to provide necessary support.
Health and Safety Plan Governing Body Affirmation Statement
Download Plan Summary