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Health and Safety



Daily health screenings are the first line of defense against COVID-19 and will be required for all employees and students prior to arriving on campus each day. Parents/guardians must assess their child each morning for COVID-19 symptoms, including taking their temperature. Verification that students are symptom-free will be shared electronically with the school every morning via the Magnus platform.


Each day will begin with a homeroom period. If we transition to the hybrid or full-virtual model, all remote students must log into homeroom for daily attendance to be taken. During remote learning classes, students must be on-time for class, attend class sitting at a table or desk, and turn on their camera and microphone. The camera and microphone must be left on for Collaborate sessions unless instructed by your teacher that it is acceptable to turn them off. Collaborate sessions should NOT be attended from a bed.

If students are sick, please stay home. Parents are required to notify the attendance line the reason for absence, including if the absence is due to COVID-19-like symptoms. Please consult your health care provider if student is experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms. If your provider refers for COVID-19 testing, please alert the school. Daily absences should be reported via the attendance line for all missed days, including hybrid and virtual days.


Face coverings (masks) must be worn by all personnel – students, faculty/staff, visitors – when moving throughout the campus and buildings, in all public spaces, including classrooms. Face coverings may be removed while eating in the Student Center, and during face covering breaks outside as long as there is a minimum of 1.8 m (6 feet) of distance between students.


Being on campus will require physical distancing. Wherever feasible, 1.0 to 1.8 m (3 to 6 feet) will be maintained. Plexiglass has been installed in the Library and the Student Center where face to face seating is unavoidable. Pathways, stairwells, and hallways are marked for mandated directional traffic flow. Please follow the directional signage and arrows. Consider arriving early to destinations or delaying departure to avoid peak traffic times in hallways and stairwells. The elevators are off limits unless medical accommodations have been granted by the Dean of Student Life Office. Elevators are limited to two (2) occupants.

All non-essential visitors are prohibited from entering the building. Scheduled visitors should be limited to after 3:00 pm, but only if essential and feasible. All visitors will be required to sign in at the Main Office, have their temperature checked, and will be instructed to wear a mask as well as sanitize their hands.


Upon arrival employees and students will be rechecked with thermal temperature kiosks at designated points of entry. Students who have not submitted the daily health screening will not be admitted into school buildings. All students and staff must pass through a thermal temperature scanner to confirm the daily home health screening. There are two (2) scanners at the main entrance, two (2) scanners at the entrance to the Student Center, and one (1) scanner at the ramp door entrance to the athletic wing.


Early dismissal will be permitted this year if the student is free at 9th period on Odd days and at 8 th period (or at both 8th and 9th periods) on 9-period days. Permission forms must be on file in the Dean of Student Life Office. At the end of each day, seniors will be dismissed first. Freshmen will be dismissed after the seniors, followed by juniors then sophomores.


The Dress Code for Orientation Week will be the formal La Salle dress code outlined in the Student Handbook (dress shirt, tie, dress pants, belt, and dress shoe with socks). Beginning Friday, August 21, 2020, La Salle will institute a Casual Dress Code (collared shirt – either dress or polo – without a tie, along with dress pants, belt, and dress shoe with socks).


All members of the community are required to wash hands frequently, especially before, and after eating. Hand washing (or hand-sanitization) is required of all employees, students, and visitors when entering the building.


In addition to enhanced cleaning protocols and more frequent cleaning, common touchpoints, classrooms, the Library, and the Student Center have been supplied with cleaning materials for individual use to sanitize desks and tables before and/or after occupancy. Disinfectant and paper towels are available in every classroom, athletic area, and common space. Teachers and students will be instructed to clean classroom desks every three periods on the 9-period day (3 times daily) and every two periods on Odd and Even days (2-3 times daily).


All national and international school sponsored travel is suspended. Local school sponsored activity and athletic events that require bus transportation will be conducted on 72 passenger school buses with no more than 24 occupants (one student per seat). Transportation in school vans is limited to three passengers (one student per row).


All library seats have been set with the physical distancing in mind. Plexiglass shields have been installed on tables where face-to-face seating is unavoidable. Students may not move chairs to other tables as each table has set occupancy.


Students must eat during the scheduled lunch period on their roster. Lunch periods have been shortened to 25 minutes and the number of lunch periods has been doubled. Students may only enter the Glaser Student Center at their scheduled time. Plexiglass shields have been installed on the Glaser Center tables. Students may not move chairs to other tables as each table has set occupancy. After the first 10-day cycle students will self-select the table they will sit at for the first semester, and they must eat at that table of their choosing.