Action Step |
Outcome(s) |
Timeline |
1. Develop a working relationship with the administrations and teachers of 10-20 schools to facilitate admission to our Katherine Drexel Scholars Program, 6th and 7th grade admissions practice test, VIP days, and the eventual Admission testing and application process to La Salle. |
Full enrollment (20 students) in the Katherine Drexel Scholars Saturday Program. |
Start: Fall 2017
End: Ongoing
2. Identify several students to extend invitations to participate in our Summer Enrichment Program with cost subsidized as needed. |
More diversity in the population of the Summer Enrichment Program.
Start: Summer 2017
End: Ongoing
3. Communicate student accomplishments at La Salle to their respective elementary schools. |
Improved relationships with our feeder schools.
Start: Fall 2017
End: Ongoing
4. To continue to emphasize the need for a more diverse administration, faculty and staff. |
More diverse administration, faculty and staff.
Fall 2016
End: Ongoing
5. Investigate the value of establishing Professional Learning Communities to continue the learning, dialog and experimentation with new practices and strategies. |
If desirable, set up a structure around key pedagogical topics for groups to explore and report on to the wider community. |
Start: Fall 2019
End: Fall 2020