As our students pursue their study of mathematics, they align themselves with the greatest minds of all past civilizations in the never-ending quest of understanding our physical world. To some, the motivation is practical - to solve some immediate problems; while to others, the attraction is pure curiosity and fascination. To all who have the perseverance to delve beneath the surface, mathematics offers rewarding insights and surprising interdependencies.
Bertrand Russell...
"To learn mathematics is to partake in a subject that is both an art and a science, an enterprise both discovered and invented, a unique field that possesses not only truth but supreme beauty.”
Through applications of mathematical thinking, our students gain an understanding of the value and power of mathematics, a subject that will be an essential tool in their daily lives and can unlock the complexities of the universe. We, the teachers of mathematics at La Salle, aim to develop in our students a full appreciation of mathematics as a complete language, a unified process of thought, and an underlying foundation of our world. We prepare our students to engage independently in logical problem solving and multi-dimensional critical thinking. Our students learn to collaborate as they wrestle with challenging real-world problems. Ultimately, we endeavor to build our students’ mathematical skills base through the loop of discovery, instruction, practice, and application, with feedback points occurring all along the way. We urge our students to move beyond recitation and plugging in formulas and instead towards full comprehension, really thinking in math terms.
The mathematics curriculum at La Salle is broad enough to prepare all our college-bound students with a strong foundation in mathematics and is designed to open pathways for our ambitious students to achieve their mathematical goals for high school. The members of the Mathematics Department pride themselves on their accessibility and utilize their diverse teaching experiences to make connections with students, to predict problematic topics that cause fits for most teenage students, and to support their individual needs.