William Faulkner...
“The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”
Comprehensive critical analyses of history form the foundation of our students’ study. Our students learn to develop their close reading skills through the examination of a variety of primary and secondary sources and hone their ability to effectively articulate evidence-based reasoning in a variety of expressive modes. Our students benefit from learning in a collaborative environment that is defined by compassion and respect. Through their studies and with guidance and mentorship from our faculty and the open exchange of ideas with their peers, our students ultimately discover their own voices to explain the past, comprehend the present, and prepare for the future.
The course of study within the Social Studies department begins with building a strong foundation in understanding the rise, development, organization, significant contributions of, and controversies associated with world history’s greatest civilizations. Next, our students are guided into a deeper examination of the United States and its contributions to the construction and maintenance of the world today. Our electives – human geography, European history, East Asian studies, economics, national and international politics, and psychology – offer additional perspectives and extend our students’ solid foundations in social studies and social sciences.
Armed with fortified analytical and communication skills and inspired by critical inquiry based on compassion and respect, our students are bound to have the perspectives to make sound judgements, to avoid repeating mistakes from the past, and to connect fully and effectively with other people due to their understanding of their cultures, beliefs, traditions, behaviors, institutions, societies, or world views.