Program of Studies
La Salle College High School, a Catholic, independent, college preparatory school for young men of varied backgrounds, is conducted in the tradition of St. John Baptist de La Salle. Through a broad and balanced, human and Christian education, La Salle College High School guides each student in the development of his unique God-given talents and fosters a commitment to academic excellence, service, and leadership.
Classes Offered by Discipline
- English
- History & Political Science
- Innovation & Design
- Mathematics
- Music
- Phys. Ed. & Health
- Religion
- Science
- Social Sciences
- Visual Art
- World Languages
History & Political Science
Innovation & Design
Phys. Ed. & Health
Social Sciences
Visual Art
World Languages
Policies & Procedures
- Academic Priority
- Attendance
- Class Absence Policy
- Academic Awards
- Failure Policy
- National Honor Society
Academic Priority
At La Salle, a student’s first responsibility is to his academic career. We strongly encourage the full development of our young men through service, the arts, athletics, and extracurricular activities, at the same time as they learn effective time management in preparation for college. Teachers and counselors stand ready to assist students in the development of priorities regarding academic and extra-curricular work. We strongly believe that academic success at La Salle requires a commitment of 2-3 hours per school day for homework and independent class work, and sometimes more, in the case of honors and AP course loads.
There may be days when a student is unable to attend school. An excused absence is one that is due to illness or family emergency. Contacting a reliable classmate for homework assignments on the night of the absence and/or communicating with the teacher at the earliest convenient time is expected. Absent students are responsible for missed work. It is important to clarify that outside of illness or emergency, school attendance is compulsory. A family vacation does not qualify as an excused absence. School holidays and breaks are published well in advance to offer parents an opportunity to plan their vacations at a time that does not interfere with attendance policies. Families and their sons cannot expect teachers to accommodate missed work/opportunities for any unexcused absence. Unexcused absences during midterm or final examinations are strictly prohibited. Keep in mind that attendance throughout the school year is vital to a student’s academic success. There is no doubt that the correlation between absences and grades is extraordinary. As a rule of thumb, students who miss school have grades that reflect their gaps in learning. Students should make an effort to be in school daily and on time. Remember, the school’s main number should NOT be used to report any student absence. All attendance matters are expected to be reported to the Attendance Line at 215-233-4140 before 9:00AM. A note is required upon returning to school.
Class Absence Policy
Any student who misses 20 or more classes for a one-credit or 10 classes for a half-credit course will receive an “Incomplete” in the respective class on his quarter, semester, and final grade, presuming he is passing the course at the conclusion of the semester (for a half-credit course) and the year (for a one-credit course). The “Incomplete” will be replaced with the appropriate grade when all make up work is completed. The plan of action will be designed by the teacher of the class and will be approved by La Salle’s administration. A deadline for the completed work will be given. If, by the deadline, completion of the work does not occur or is unsatisfactory, the “Incomplete” will be changed to a failing grade. At that point, La Salle’s remediation 10 policy will become applicable. Students found in violation of the class absence policy are still required to take the semester examination on the day that it is scheduled.
Academic Awards
Four types of honors are awarded.
1) Outstanding Academic Achievement Award: This major academic award is reserved for our top students based on the final grade point average for the previous year. Only those who earn a 4.0 or higher with no grade below a “B-” will be given this award. This award is presented to each student at the annual Honors Convocation evening in the fall.
2) Scholastic “L” Award: All students achieving a 3.75 or better G.P.A. with no grade below a “B-” based on final yearly grades receive this award. This award is presented to each student at the annual Honors Convocation evening in the fall.
3) Academic Excellence Award (1st semester): This award is given at the end of the first semester to those who have achieved a 3.75 or better G.P.A. with no grade below a “B-”.
4) Second Honors: This academic award is presented to all students achieving a 3.5-3.74 G.P.A. with no grade below a “B-” based on final yearly grades.
Failure Policy
National Honor Society
National Honor Society
National Honor Society Requirements
The De La Salle Chapter of the National Honor Society is open to juniors and seniors who meet the eligibility requirements of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Notice of the application period will be sent to eligible candidates who meet the minimum academic requirement in January.
Eligible candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.8
- Achieve a final grade no lower than a B- in any class
- Exhibit committed involvement to a variety of school activities
- Show a breadth of service throughout high school experience*
- 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 candidates must show evidence of 30 service hours over the course of their high school experience (Summer service trips at the end of sophomore year count for 20 hours).
- 2026-2027 candidates and beyond must show evidence of 45 service hours over the course of their high school experience. (Summer service trips at the end of sophomore year count for 20 hours).
- Freshman Branch Out Day does not count toward service hours
- Demonstrate an outstanding record of citizenship and character as determined by the Dean of Student Life and La Salle’s Honor Code and Student Regulations
- Demonstrate leadership to school and community*
*Service and leadership roles must be documented by supervising adult describing your duties, how well you fulfilled them, and how long you have served/lead.
A Faculty Panel will review all applications and make recommendations to the moderators and to the Principal for admission of candidates into NHS. In the spring semester, a ceremony will be held to induct new members into the De La Salle Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Once admitted, students must maintain the minimum academic requirements, continue his participation in activities, provide service to the La Salle community including, but not limited to, mandatory hours in the tutoring center and hosting the annual Red Cross Blood Drive. Documentation of an additional fifteen hours of service during senior year (August-April) must be provided to the moderators by mid-April. Students who fail to maintain these requirements may be suspended or removed from NHS.