Tryout Dates: (Note: All dates/times are subject to change depending on weather/field conditions)
Upper-class (2025, 2026, and 2027 grads)
Monday, March 3th – Saturday, March 8th (Off Wednesday)
Times: 3:15-5:30 (Saturday will likely be in the afternoon after the freshman tryout)
Location: Lower Bartley Field (weather permitting)
Freshman (2028 grads)
Tuesday, March 4th – Sunday, March 9th (Off Thursday)
Times: 3:15-5:30 after school. Likely 10am-Noon on Saturday, and Noon-3pm on Sunday.
Location: Ward Field or Lower Bartley Turf (weather permitting)
Tryout Format: Skills workout & simulated scrimmages.
What to wear/bring:
-Baseball Gear: Bat, Glove, Cup, Batting Gloves, Helmet, Catcher’s Gear (if applicable)
-Apparel: Baseball pants, belt, hat, sleeves, pullover/sweatshirt, cleats & tennis/turf shoes (for turf/track surfaces), WATER BOTTLE
-If possible, wear a shirt/jersey that has your name on it to assist the coaching staff.
-Bring layers! We will do whatever we can to get outside on the field or turf each day. Plan for the worst-case scenario.
Please email Mr. Werman at if you have any questions.