Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

The five goals of Lasallian education.

  • We instill Gospel values
  • We are animated by and foster a spirit of faith and zeal
  • We develop and maintain diverse programs meeting recognized standards of excellence
  • We create and sustain respectful human relationships in community
  • We exercise a preferential option for the poor

For the past decade, serious and responsive conversations about race, culture, diversity and inclusion have become even stronger priorities within our Lasallian mission. 

The positive effects of providing an inclusive community for learning are indisputable. In the development of adolescents as future leaders it has become even more important that educators are able to speak, act, and relate to young men in effective ways when it comes to these issues. Recently, we reached out to some of our students and alumni to retrieve feedback on their experiences and where we can improve. The consensus was that they loved and cherished their time at La Salle.  They also gave us feedback that will help up to continue to grow inclusive for all. La Salle felt like a second home and we are excited to build on that experience.

The following are some things that we have done and/or are in progress to make La Salle the best version of itself for our students, families, and community:

  • A diversity and inclusivity action plan centered on outreach and communications for admissions, ongoing support for personal and academic success, wider community and cultural awareness, and stronger representation and inclusion of the topics of race, culture, and social justice within our curriculum.
  • A multi-cultural family network for parents to communicate participating in events and increasing cultural awareness
  • Enrollment from 7% 2012-2013 to 14% of people who identify as Black, Latino, Asian, or Multi-racial
  • A standing Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Council of Faculty and Staff with a focus on ongoing cultural education of faculty and students, academic support, admissions, school wide activities
  • Participate in leadership conferences by students and faculty
  • Faculty and staff in-services that focus on education and training regarding issues of social and cultural competencies and communicating effectively with all students
  • Formation of the Acceptance for All Club for discussion and consideration of topics related to LGBTQ issues
  • Piloting a mentorship program for new/incoming students
  • Diversity office as a safe space for students and faculty who are seeking guidance or resources to navigate during their time at La Salle


Recent News


In the Fall of 2020, Director of Diversity Vernard Abrams hosted a brief virtual session on Diversity & Inclusivity at La Salle.