Health Office
Welcome & Contact Information
Welcome to the Health Office! Our full-time school nurse Mr. Michael Furlong ‘08 staffs the health office Monday to Friday from 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM. The health office is here to provide first aid and medical care for students with care needs due to ongoing chronic medical conditions as well as acute medical conditions and injuries. Please notify the health office of any health issue, medical diagnosis, or medication usage that could affect a student’s social, academic, or physical activity at school. Mr. Furlong can be reached in the office at (215) 402-4862 or by e-mail at
If a student is injured or ill during the school day, they must be seen in the health office for evaluation. An assessment will be performed after the student is signed in within the health office, and if necessary, a phone call to a parent will be made. Students may receive as-needed medications for certain symptom presentations and diagnoses in accordance with a signed medication consent form. Students will be able to rest in the health office for a period of time before a determination is made if they need to be dismissed to home or can return to class. If the determination is made that a student is to be dismissed to home due to illness or injury, they will remain in the health office until the arrival of a parent/guardian. The parent/guardian will present to the Dean of Students office to sign the student out at which point the student will be sent forward from the health office to depart.
In order to drive home after a determination is made requiring dismissal for an illness, the student will be assessed specifically for the ability to safely drive by the school nurse and consent must be provided by a parent/guardian prior to their departure.
Arrangements for late arrivals or early dismissals due to routine appointments should be made with the Dean of Students office.
Prescription and over-the-counter medications should be stored and administered in the health office in accordance with a medication consent form. Prescription medications must be sent in and stored in a labelled prescription bottle. Inhalers and Epi-Pen (Auvi-Q) Injections may be self-carried with a medication consent form and action plan stating that student is able to self-carry.
Please browse the resource tabs within this page for further information specific to a variety of topics as well as with specific information for each grade level.
Michael Furlong, BSN, RN, CCRN '08
School Nurse
(215) 402-4862 (Office)
- Medications
- Immunization
- Annual Physical Exam Requirement
- Annual Health Screening
- Grade 9
- Grade 10
- Grade 11
- Grade 12
All Students that receive scheduled or carry as-needed medications during the school day must have an updated medication consent form each school year signed by a parent and physician/medical provider.
The Health Office carries a variety of as needed medications for ailments such as headache, mild pain, seasonal allergies, cough and upset stomach. To receive medications in the health office, each student must have an updated medication consent form signed by a parent/guardian and physician/medical provider.
These forms can be submitted electronically to the school nurse or can be brought in by the student directly into the health office.
La Salle College High School requires students to be in compliance with vaccination requirements set forth by the Pennsylvania Department of Health. Those requirements can be found in the form below.
Exemptions are recognized in accordance with state law for medical or religious reasons. A signed vaccination exemption form must be submitted with mention of each vaccine dose that has been exempted.
*12th Grade Students: Must have their second meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) prior to the first day of senior year.
Annual Physical Exam Requirement
All students are required to have an annual physical uploaded into the Appryse system. This physical exam must be dated on or after June 1 for the following school year.
Information on the Appryse system can be found on the Athletics page under Health and Safety.
Annual Health Screening
La Salle College High School conducts annual health screenings on all students. All students are screened for height, weight, body mass index (BMI), and vision.
In addition, junior students will have a hearing exam performed.
These screenings are scheduled by grade level throughout the school year. Reports of abnormal findings are sent home to a parent/guardian, which may require follow-up with a medical provider.
Grade 9
La Salle requires all students to have a physical exam dated after June 1 of the current year entered into Appryse. [Link to]. This is required for both athletes and non-athletes. Students not participating in Fall sports have a deadline to enter a physical exam into Appryse by September 5, 2023.
All incoming students must have a prior dental exam from prior to entry. This can be satisfied with documentation sent from the students' prior school, but copies can also be sent directly from home.
Incoming students should have a medical information and immunization form submitted at the start of the year.
Please see medication tab for specific information regarding scheduled, as needed, and emergency medications.
Grade 10
Please submit an updated medical information/immunization form with any changes from the last academic year.
Please see medication tab for specific information regarding scheduled, as needed, and emergency medications.
The annual required physical exam can be submitted via Appryse. In addition to the physical needing to be dated after June 1, non fall sports athletes must have this uploaded by September 5, 2023.
Grade 11
Please submit an updated medical information/immunization form with any changes from the last academic year.
Please see medication tab for specific information regarding scheduled, as needed, and emergency medications.
The annual required physical exam can be submitted via Appryse. In addition to the physical needing to be dated after June 1, non fall sports athletes must have this uploaded by September 5, 2023.
Grade 12
Meningococcal Conjugative Vaccine (MCV) requirement states that senior students must receive their second dose of the MCV prior to the first day of senior year (or have received their first dose at age 16 or after).
Please submit an updated medical information/immunization form with any changes from the last academic year.
Please see medication tab for specific information regarding scheduled, as needed, and emergency medications.
The annual required physical exam can be submitted via Appryse. In addition to the physical needing to be dated after June 1, non fall sports athletes must have this uploaded by September 5, 2023.