2022 Young Alumni Annual Fund Bracket Challenge
Young alumni from the classes of 2002 through 2017 are invited to take part in our 2022 Young Alumni Annual Fund Bracket Challenge! Starting March 15th, the tournament will last four weeks, with winning classes advancing as we progress through the tournament.
Past Champions
2015 - Class of 2008
2016 - Class of 2008
2017 - Class of 2000
2018 - Class of 2004
2019 - Class of 2005
2020 - Cancelled due to pandemic
2021 - Class of 2004
2022 - Class of 2017
Round 1
March 15-20
Round 2
March 22-27
March 29-April 3
April 5-10
Classes from 2002 through 2017 competing in a bracket-style tournament for the chance to be crowned Young Alumni Bracket Challenge Champs!
Donors from the winning class will be mailed a special LSCHS gift, and the class will be recognized as 2022 Champions in the fall Annual Report of Giving.
Entering each matchup, your class's score will be based on your current participation level, i.e., a 9.2% class will start with 9.2 points. This baseline score will be updated as we progress through the tournament, so an increased participation rate puts your class in better position for the next week of competition!
Make an Annual Fund gift of any amount: +2 points
Make an increase to last Annual Fund gift made: +3 points
Comment on weekly Facebook post with #LSCHS followed by your class year (eg. #LSCHS2014): +0.5 points
Comment on weekly Instagram announcement with #LSCHS followed by your class year (eg. #LSCHS2014): +0.5 points (limit one per week)
Retweet/reply to weekly Twitter announcement with comment #LSCHS followed by your class year (eg. #LSCHS2014): +0.5 points (limit one per week)
Give: Visit our official Bracket Challenge Flipcause Page or www.lschs.org/gift to support La Salle and score points for your class.
Use Venmo? Click here to quickly and easily send your gift to @LaSalleCollegeHSGiving on the Venmo app!
Visit LSCHS's Facebook page to comment on weekly bracket announcements: www.facebook.com/lschs
Visit LSCHS's Instagram page to comment on weekly Instagram announcements: www.instagram.com/lschs
Visit LSCHS's Twitter page to retweet weekly Twitter announcements: www.twitter.com/lschs
Spread the word: Visit our Flipcause Volunteer Page to help spread the word about the campaign and create your own fundraising page!